Install and configure Elasticsearch on Linux Ubuntu from terminal, a powerful Open Source search engine.

What is Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a search and analysis engine distributed under an open source license. Elasticsearch, uses the Information Retrieval (IR) paradigm, for indexing and retrieval structured and unstructured data.

Developed in Java, requiring the Java Virtual Machine to run, is used to search, analyze and visualize large amounts of data in real time very quickly and efficiently.

WARNING. The steps below should be performed by experienced people as they are potentially dangerous and could damage the server. If you do not know what you are doing you can request a free quote.

Install Elasticsearch from terminale

Here are the simple steps to install Elasticsearch on Linux Ubuntu using an SSH terminal

  1. Install Java JRE, if you have not already done it
  2. Install and configure Java JDK, if you have not already done it
  3. Download theElasticsearch installation package directly from the Elastic website
  4. After the download is finished, proceed withthe installation of the package
    sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-7.17.9-amd64.deb
  5. Enable and start the service with
    sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
    sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Configure Elasticsearch on Linux Ubuntu

Ensure that Elasticsearch works only on the local server by editing the file /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Restart Elasticsearch services with the command

systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

and check that the Elasticsearch service is only listening on thelocal IP address with netstat

netstat -a -o -n | grep LISTEN

this is the command to install netstat, in case it is not already installed

sudo apt install net-tools

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